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[스크랩] 한국 성형수술 너무 뛰어나 공항서 "누구세요?"

P a o l o 2014. 4. 24. 11:53


Plastic surgery in South Korea is now so good that people travelling home afterwards need CERTIFICATES to prove who they are


한국 성형수술 너무 뛰어나 공항서 "누구세요?"

By Emma Innes


데일리메일 "몇몇 한국 성형외과, 성형 증명서까지 발급"
"19~49세 한국여성 20% 성형" 한국 성형광풍 꼬집기도


When people go under the knife for plastic surgery they hope to come out of the operation looking a bit different and a lot better.


한국은 ‘성형 강국’이다. 한국에서 성형수술을 받으려고 원정을 오는 외국인이 많다는 건 익히 알려진 사실이다.

그런데 이처럼 한국의 성형수술 수준이 널리 알려지면서 공항에서 웃지못할 일이 자주 벌어지고 있다고 한 영국언론이 보도했다.

영국의 데일리메일은 22일(현지시간) “한국 병원에서 외국인 환자들을 위해 성형수술 증명서를 발급하고 있다”면서 “외국인들이 자국으로 돌아갈 때 공항에서 오해를 받는 일이 없게 하기 위해서”라고 보도했다


 “사람들은 성형수술을 하면 달라진 얼굴과 나아진 모습을 기대하는데 너무 달라져서 누군지 알아보기 힘든 경우도 생긴다”면서 “특히 한국의 성형외과들은 성형 기술이 뛰어나기 때문에 이런 일이 비일비재하다”고 했다.

신문은 “한국에서 성형 수술을 받은 외국인들의 얼굴이 심하게 달라져 공항 검색대를 통과하지 못하는 경우도 있다”면서 “(한국의) 몇몇 성형외과는 성형 증명서를 발급해 외국인 환자들이 공항 검색대를 통과하는 것을 돕는다. 성형 증명서에는 환자의 여권번호, 병원 이름, 한국 방문 기간 등이 포함돼 있다”고 전했다.

신문에 따르면 지난 몇 년간 성형수술을 받은 외국인이 공항 검색대를 통과하지 못하는 일이 잦아졌다면서 2009년에는 23명의 중국인이 성형수술을 받고 중국으로 돌아가는 데 어려움을 겪었다고 했다.


중국인들은 커진 눈과 높아진 코, 핼쑥해진 볼 때문에 얼굴 생김새가 달라져 공항 검색대를 통과하는 데 애로를 겪었다. 상하이공항 관계자는 “공항 검색대를 통과하려는 이들에게 선글라스와 모자를 벗게 했는데, (얼굴) 여기저기에 밴드가 붙어 있었다”면서 “그들의 달라진 모습과 원래 사진을 비교해야만 했다”고 말했다.

데일리메일은 한국인들의 ‘성형 광풍’을 꼬집기도 했다. 신문은 성형수술을 받는 한국인이 급증하고 있다며 한국인 77명 중 1명이 성형수술을 받아 실제 외모와 달라졌다고 했다.

신문은 “놀랍게도 서울에 거주하는 19~49세 여성 중 20%가 성형을 받았다”면서 가장 인기 있는 수술은 쌍커풀 위의 과도한 살을 제거해 눈을 서양 사람들처럼 커보이게 만드는 것이라고 전했다.

신문은 때로 환자들이 유명 배우의 사진을 들고 와 서양인의 코나 눈처럼 수술해달라고 요구하는 경우도 있다고 했다.




They usually do not, however, anticipate looking so different that they are unrecognisable.

However, some of South Korea’s plastic surgeons are so talented that they are leaving their patients with an unexpected problem, it has been claimed.

Plastic surgery in South Korea has become so successful that some overseas patients are struggling to get through passport control on their way home after the operations

Plastic surgery in South Korea has become so successful that some overseas patients are struggling to get through passport control on their way home after the operations


Those who have flown in from abroad to have the operations are, in some cases, so transformed that they are struggling to get through passport control on the way home, Kotaku reports.

According to Korean sites Onboa and Munhwa, some hospitals have resorted to handing out ‘plastic surgery certificates’ to patients to enable them to get home.

These certificates are said to include the patient’s passport number, the name of the hospital they were treated at and the length of their visit to South Korea.

The theory goes that these certificates can smooth their path through passport control.

While hospitals have been aware of the problem for a number of years, it is said to be becoming an increasingly common issue.

In 2009, 23 Chinese women are said to have struggled to return to China from South Korea after undergoing surgery.

Some hospitals in South Korea are now offering 'plastic surgery certificates' to smooth patients' paths through passport control when they no longer look like their passport photos

Some hospitals in South Korea are now offering 'plastic surgery certificates' to smooth patients' paths through passport control when they no longer look like their passport photos


Women who've had plastic surgery in South Korea often end up with larger eyes, higher noses and thinner chins

Women who've had plastic surgery in South Korea often end up with larger eyes, higher noses and thinner chins


The women were stopped at passport control because they were noted to have bigger eyes, higher noses and slimmer chins than were shown on their passports, China Daily reported.

After careful checks had been carried out, the women were allowed into China but they were all advised to renew their passports immediately.

'After they took off their huge hats and big sunglasses following our request, we saw them looking different, with bandages and stitches here and there,' Shanghai Hongqiao Airport officer Chen Tao told China Daily.

'We had to compare their uncorrected parts with their photos very carefully,' he added.

Some women are having to renew their passports after surgery so as to have a new photo included

Some women are having to renew their passports after surgery so as to have a new photo included


South Korea is rapidly becoming the home of plastic surgery and people there have the most cosmetic procedures per head of population, according to global figures released last year by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. 

Indeed, one in every 77 people in South Korea now goes under the knife or needle in a bid to improve their looks.

Shockingly, some 20 per cent of women aged 19 to 49 in Seoul admit to going under the knife and one of the most popular procedures involves reducing excess skin in the upper eyelid to make the eyes appear bigger and more 'Western'.

It is believed that the rise of the country's music industry is behind the boom, and many patients visit clinics with photos of celebrities, asking surgeons to emulate American noses or eyes.

출처 : 한국식약연구소
글쓴이 : 한국식약연구소 원글보기
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