Anges du paradis
Mon cœur est plein d'un noir souci!
Qui l'arrête? Pourquoi n'est elle pas ici?
Anges du paradis, couvrez la de votre aile!
Dans les airs étendez votre manteau sur elle!
Et toi, brûlant soleil d'été,
Fais grâce à sa jeunesse, épargne sa beauté!
Je l'ai vue à travers mon rêve,
Dans la lande aux souffles de feu,
Accourant seule vers la grève,
Pâle et le front courbé, sous l'éclat du ciel bleu,
Invoquant les Saintes et Dieu!
Anges du paradis, couvrez la de votre aile!
Dans les airs étendez votre manteau sur elle!
Et toi, brûlant soleil d'été,
Fais grâce à sa jeunesse, épargne sa beauté!
My heart is filled with dark sorrow!
What detains her? Why is she not here?
Angels of Paradise, wrap her in your wings!
Spread your mantles above her!
And thou, burning summer sun,
Spare her youth, spare her beauty!
I beheld her in my dream
On the plain where a breath of fire blew,
Rushing hither alone.
Pale, lowering her head,
Under the radiance of the blue sky,
Invoking the Holy Women and God.
Angels of Paradise, wrap her in your wings!
Spread your mantles above her!
And thou, burning summer sun,
Spare her youth, spare her beauty!
Mon coeur est plein d'un noir souci.. Anges du Paradis - Christian Papis
Ch. Gounod, opera "Mireille" (미레유)
Act V. the chapel of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
Vincent arrives and looks for Mireille; he prays for her to be safe ("Anges du paradis").
Mireille appears, shaky, delirious. She falls in ecstasy when seeing Vincent,
and has the vision of the sky opening to receive her.
Mireille dies from sunstroke, but a heavenly voice announces that
her soul is assured of an eternal happiness in Heaven.
Mireille는 Arles 지방의 여인으로 거기서 Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer 까지는 약 40km 이다.
지금 같으면 버스나 택시로 40분이면 충분한 거리.
하지만 당시 이 100리의 길을 Mireille는 걸어서 갔을것.
5막중 Vicent의 안녕을 빌기위해 Saintes-Maries 성당으로 간 Mireille가 일사병으로 지쳐
죽는다는 plot인데 아무리 오페라이지만 좀 황당하긴 하다. ㅎㅎ
12/26/18 musicgarden