Amours bénis
축복된 사랑
Text: André Alexandre
Music: Jules Massenet, "Amours bénis" from "20 melodies"
Une aube fraîche... et printanière,
Avril ou Mai,
Je ne sais plus,
Des pleurs ont mouillé ma paupière,
Nos regards se sont confondus.
Un jour d'été, pas la colline,
Vers le ciel nous montions tous deux;
Mon cœur battait... heure divine!
Tu m'as fait tes premiers aveux.
Par un crépuscule d'automne,
Nos baisers ont chanté très doux,
Caressant l'aïeule bretonne
Qui dormait, rêvait près de nous,
Aveux, baisers, fleurette éclose
Pour qui je tremble et je pâlis,
Dans son berceau l'enfant repose:
Nos amours ont été bénis.
A cool spring ... and dawn,
April or May,
I do not know anymore,
Tears have wet my eyelids,
Our glances are the same.
One summer day, we ascended
to heaven, not the hill, together;
My heart was pounding... divine hours!
You made your first confession.
In the autumn dusk
Our kisses sang very softly,
Caressing the Breton grandmother (??)
Who was sleeping, dreaming near us,
Confession, kissing, floweret blooming,
To which I trembled and turned pale,
The infant rests in the cradle:
Our loves were blessed.
Amours benis (Blessed Love) - Sally Silver
Amours bénis (piano version 악보)
4월이나 5월, 어느 봄날에 시작된 사랑,
여름 산책 중의 첫 고백,
그리고 가을 해질녁의 키스...
요람에 잠들어 있는 아이.
시인은 사랑의 역사를 돌아보며
그들의 축복된 사랑을 노래한다.
7/31/15 musicgarden
출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
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