
[스크랩] [Catalani] Chanson groënlandaise

P a o l o 2013. 2. 25. 11:43
      Chanson groënlandaise Music: Alfredo Catalani Text: Jules Verne Le ciel est noir Et le soleil se traîne À peine! De desespoir Ma pauvre âme incerntaine Est pleine. La blonde enfant se rit de mes tendres chansons Et sur son coeur l ’hiver proméne ses glaçons! Ange rêvé, ton amour qui fait vivre M’enivre, Et j’ai bravé Pour te voir, pour te suivre, Le givre! Hélas! sous mes baisers et leur douce chaleur Je n’ai pu dissiper les neiges de ton coeur! Ah! que demain À ton âme con vienne La mienne, Et que mamain Amoureusement tienne La tienne! Le soleil brillera làhaut dans notre ciel, Et de ton cœur l ’amour forcera le dégel! Greenlander’s Song The sky is dark, And as it drags its way, Painfully; With deep despair And bitterness today My soul is fill’d! Love, whom I seek, But shakes his head with laughter low; Upon his heart Winter has spread Her ice and snow! O best beloved, It is thy love that giveth My life to me; And I have braved For thee The frost that liveth To follow thee! Only, alas! In vain my tender And passionate art, I cannot scatter yet The snows of thy cold heart! But ah! tomorrow To that soul of thine Shall speak mine own, Thy head shall linger Tenderly in mine And love be known! Only the sun Once again shall shine in Heav’n above, And thy heart shall forget its snow, And awaken to love! Japanese Soprano, Akiko Nakajima Chanson groënlandaise / Akiko Nakajima Ebben? Ne andro lontana / Renata Tebaldi Alfredo Catalani의 노래, 생소한 제목에도 불구하고 부분부분 많이 들어본 듯 하지요? "Ebben? Ne andrò lontana" ("Well, then? I'll go far away") 1막 중 집을 떠나기로 작정하는 Wally의 노래이지요. Catalani는 훗날 "La Wally" 에서 이 노래의 motive를 다시 사용합니다. 비교를 위해 Tebaldi의 버젼으로 같이 올립니다. 2/24/13 musicgarden
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