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[스크랩] [Ralph Vaughan Williams] The House of Life, 4곡 - Heart`s Haven

P a o l o 2011. 1. 21. 10:15

      The house of life, Op. 6 - 6개의 연가곡 Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams Text: Dante Gabriel Rossetti 4곡: Heart's haven Sometimes she is a child within mine arms, Cow'ring beneath dark wings that love must chase, With still tears show'ring and averted face, Inexplicably filled with faint alarms: And oft from mine own spirit's hurtling harms I crave the refuge of her deep embrace, Against all ills the fortified strong place And sweet reserve of sov'reign counter charms. And Love, our light at night and shade at noon, Lulls us to rest with songs, and turns away All shafts of shelterless tumultuous day. Like the moon's growth, his face gleams through his tune; And as soft waters warble to the moon, Our answ'ring spirits chime one roundelay. Roderick Williams Stephen Varcoe Thomas Allen

    Jane Morris, posed by Rossetti, 1865
       Rossetti은 The house of life가 자신의
       자서전적 기록이 아니라 말하지만 사람들은
       Elizabeth Siddal이나 Jane Morris와의
       사랑을 바탕으로 쓰여진 그의 감성적인
       경험의 기록으로 믿고 있다.
       Jane Morris는 그의 친구 William Morris의
       아내로 Elizabeth Siddal이 죽은 후 자주
       Rossetti의 모델로 섰다.
    1/19/11 musicgarden
출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
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