
[스크랩] **Frederick Carl Frieseke

P a o l o 2006. 6. 28. 10:34
출처 : 아트힐
글쓴이 : john 원글보기
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'미술조각Gallery' 카테고리의 다른 글

Frederick Carl Frieseke

[American Impressionist Painter, 1874-1939]



The Yellow Kimono

 Nude on the Beach

Portrait of Madame Gely #1 (On the Couch)

The Garden Parasol

Portrait of a Woman with a Cactus

The Robe

The Yellow Tulip

 Before Her Appearance

Through the Vines

Breakfast in the Garden

Cherry Blossoms

Reading by Lamp Light


Closed Blinds


 Lady Trying on a Hat

The Blue Gown


In the Doorway (Good Morning)

Augusto Rotoli / Mia sposa sara la mia bandiera

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[스크랩] Roman Frances  (0) 2006.06.17