
[스크랩] 바치니 - 요정의 춤

P a o l o 2005. 5. 14. 17:09

The Dance Of The Goblins

바치니 요정의 춤 - La Ronde des Lutins

Bazzini, Antonio , 1818~1897


Performer : Gil Shaham, Jonathan Feldman



바치니 [ Bazzini, Antonio , 1818~1897 ]

이탈리아의 바이올리니스트 겸 작곡가.

1818년에 태어났다. 파가니니의 격려를 받고 어린 나이에 연주 활동을 시작하여, 특히 슈만과 멘델스존으로부터 찬사를 받았다. 에스파냐·덴마크·프랑스·독일 등 유럽 각지를 순회하며 연주한 뒤 브레스키아(Brescia)로 돌아와 작곡에 몰두하여 여러 곡의 오페라 판타지아와 《라 롱드 데 뤼탱 La ronde des lutins》 《르 뮐레티에 Le muletier》 등의 캐릭터피스(character-pieces:19세기에 유행한 자유로운 형식의 소품)를 썼다. 1873년 밀라노음악원 작곡교수가 되었으며 이어 1882년에는 원장에 취임했다.그의 밑에서 알프레도 카탈라니, 피에트로 마스카니, 자코모 푸치니 등 유명한 음악가들이 배출되었다.

Antonio Bazzini was born in Brescia and died in Milan, Italy. He was well known and admired as a violinist, composer and teacher. Paganini was impressed with his playing as a youngster. He started his professional career when he was very young. In his early twenties he went to live in Germany, where he also impressed Schumann and Mendelsohn, both as a composer and as a performer. Bazzini gave the first (private) performance of Mendelsohn뭩 popular violin concerto. He later travelled to many places in Europe, including Italy, Spain, Denmark, Paris, but returned to his birth town in 1864. He became a prolific composer beginning with popular virtuoso opera fantasies and pieces such as the well known Ronde des Lutins Op25 (this was written in Milan 1879), Elegie and Le muletier. He later composed an opera, cantatas, overtures and symphonic poems. However, it was his chamber music which aroused most admiration. In 1873 he became professor of composition at Milan Conservatory and nine years later he became director. He had famous pupils such as Catalani, Mascagni and Puccini

La ronde des lutins op.25
Rondo for violin and piano

출처 : 아트힐
글쓴이 : john 원글보기
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