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[스크랩] Bid adieu to girlish days - James Joyce

P a o l o 2018. 6. 12. 22:19
      Bid Adieu to Girlish Days Original Music: James Joyce Arr: Edmund Pendleton Text: James Joyce Bid adieu, adieu, adieu, Bid adieu to girlish days, Happy Love is come to woo Thee and woo thy girlish ways — The zone that doth become thee fair, The snood upon thy yellow hair. When thou hast heard his name upon The bugles of the cherubim Begin thou softly to unzone Thy girlish bosom unto him And softly to undo the snood That is the sign of maidenhood. Ann Murray, sop Kevin McDermott Nan Merriman, sop Dénes Dosztán, violin Klára Bábel, harp Note 1: Bid adieu to girlish days (혹은 Maidenhood), 율리시스 (Ulysses)의 저자 James Joyce의 유일한 곡으로 알려진다. Note 2: Scottish snood "softly to undo the snood that is the sign of maidenhood" "snood"는 스코트랜드나 북영국 지방의 여성들이 착용하던 일종의 헤어밴드로 당시의 문화에서는 순결의 상징으로 이해되었다. 6/11/18 musicgarden
출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
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