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[스크랩] Fair House of Joy (Rodger Quilter의 친구 Ten.Elwes & Alto Ferrier

P a o l o 2018. 4. 27. 21:44

Fair House of Joy

Rodger Quilter 曲

Fain would I change that note

To which fond Love hath charm'd me

Long, long to sing by rote,

Fancying that that harm'd me:

Yet when this thought doth come

'Love is the perfect sum 

Of all delight!'

I have no other choice

Either for pen or voice

To sing or write.

O Love! they wrong thee much

That say thy sweet is bitter,

When thy rich fruit is such

As nothing can be sweeter.

Fair house of joy and bliss,

Where truest pleasure is,

I do adore thee:

I know thee what thou art,

I serve thee with my heart,

And fall before thee,

And fall before thee.


*  Gervase Elwes(1866-1921)는 Quilter의 가곡을 가장 훌륭하게 노래한 친구가수로 일찍 타계해 슬픔도 주었다.

Alto Kathleen Ferrier

FAIR HOUSE OF JOY - Shakespeare 詩

Fain would I change that note
To which fond Love hath charm'd me
Long, long to sing by rote,
Fancying that that harm'd me:
Yet when this thought doth come
'Love is the perfect sum
Of all delight!'
I have no other choice
Either for pen or voice
To sing or write.

O Love! they wrong thee much
That say thy sweet is bitter,
When thy rich fruit is such
As nothing can be sweeter.
Fair house of joy and bliss,
Where truest pleasure is,
I do adore thee:
I know thee what thou art,
I serve thee with my heart,
And fall before thee.

출처 : 아트힐
글쓴이 : BigMouth 원글보기
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