Text: Simon Wastell (or Francis Quarles)
Music: Edward Elgar, from Edward Elgar's 7 Lieder

Like to (as) the damask rose you see,
Or like the blossom on a (the) tree,
Or like the dainty flow'r of May,
Or like the morning of (to) the day,
Or like the sun, or like the shade,
Or like the gourd which Jonas had,
Even such is man, whose thread is spun,
Drawn out, and cut, and so is done:
The rose withers, the blossom blasteth,
The flower fades, the morning hasteth,
The sun sets, the shadow flies,
The gourd consumes, - the (and) man, he dies.
Like to the grass that's newly sprung,
Or like a tale that's new begun,
Or like a (the) bird that's here to-day,
Or like the pearled dew of May,
Or like an hour, or like a span,
Or like the singing of a swan,
Even such is man, who lives by breath,
Is here, now there, in life, and death:
The grass withers, the tale is ended,
The bird is flown, the dew's ascended,
The hour is short, the span not long,
The swan's near death, - man's life is done.
Edward Elgar, Like to the damask rose
Konrad Jarnot
Edward Elgar, Like to the damask rose
Yvonne Kenny
Note 1:
1. "the gourd which Jonas had"
구약 요나서 4:6의 "박 넝쿨"을 의미한다.
2. 시의 주제
Even such is man, who lives by breath,
is here, now there, in life, and death.
장미가 시들듯
아침이 낯에게 길을 내어주듯
태양 아래 그림자 사라지듯
숨으로 사는 인간에게도
여기에 삶이 있다가
저기에 죽음이...
살아 있는 모든 생명이 한 순간이라는
허무주의적 사고를 담은 시이다.
Note 2: Edward Elgar's 7 Lieder
독일어 번역을 덧붙여 1907년 재 출판된 악보집의 타이틀이다.
Elgar의 Op. 16, 3 songs를 포함하여 아래 7곡의 구성이다.
(괄호는 첫 출판 년대)
1. "Like to the Damask Rose" (1892)
2. "Queen Mary's Song" (1889)
3. "A Song of Autumn" (1892)
4. "The Poet's Life" (1892)
5. "Through the Long Days", Op. 16 No. 2 (1885)
6. "Rondel", Op. 16 No. 3 (1894)
7. "The Shepherd's Song", Op. 16 No. 1 (1892)
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