Ach neige, du Schmerzenreiche
(아, 굽어 보소서, 슬픔이 가득한 당신이여)
Ach neige,
Du Schmerzenreiche,
Dein [Antlitz gnädig]1 meiner Not!
Das Schwert im Herzen,
Mit tausend Schmerzen
Blickst auf zu deines Sohnes Tod.
Zum Vater blickst du,
Und Seufzer schickst du
Hinauf um sein' und deine Not.
Wer fühlet,
Wie wühlet
Der Schmerz mir im Gebein?
Was mein armes Herz hier banget,
Was es zittert, was verlanget,
Weisst nur du, nur du allein!
Wohin ich immer gehe
Wie weh, wie weh, wie wehe
Wird mir im Busen hier!
Ich bin, ach, kaum alleine,
Ich wein', ich wein', ich weine,
Das Herz zerbricht in mir.
Die Scherben vor meinem Fenster
Betaut' ich mit Tränen, ach!
Als ich am frühen Morgen
Dir diese Blumen brach.
Schien hell in meine Kammer
Die Sonne früh herauf,
Saß ich in allem Jammer
In meinem Bett schon auf.
Hilf! Rette mich von Schmach und Tod!
Ach neige,
Du Schmerzenreiche,
Dein Antlitz gnädig meiner Not!
1 Loewe: "gnädig Antlitz"
Mary, look down,
Thou rich in sorrow's crown,
have pity on my misery.
With pierced heart
and bitter smart,
gazing upon Thy son's last agony.
Thy piteous sighs,
to heaven rise,
in His and Thy extremity.
Who can see
my agony
that cuts me to the bone?
My heart, afflicted,
broken, rejected,
is known to Thee alone.
Wherever now I go,
such woe, such woe, such woe
is here within unspoken.
And when alone, my fears
bring tears, bring tears, bring tears:
I know my heart is broken.
The flower-pots in the window
were wet with tears, not dew,
when errly in the morning
I picked the flowers for you.
And early in the morning
the sun shone overhead;
but I was up before him,
in misery on my bed.
From shame and death deliver me.
Mary, look down,
Thou rich in sorrow's crown,
take pity on my mysery.
Richard Wagner, "Melodram Gretchens", Op. 5-7
from Sieben Kompositionen zu Goethes Faust
Johann Karl Gottfried Loewe, "Scene aus Faust", Op. 9, Heft 9 No. 1
Franz Peter Schubert, "Gretchens Bitte 그레첸의 간구", D. 564
Giuseppe Verdi, "Deh, pietoso, oh Addolorata (오, 자비를, 성모님이여)"
from 6 Romanze, No. 6
Robert Alexander Schumann, "Gretchen vor dem Bild der Mater dolorosa"
Hans Sommer, "Ach neige, du Schmerzenreiche"
위에 열거한 곡들 이어듣기
1. Faust 1부, 3막.
파우스트가 그레첸을 떠나고 몇개월. 그레첸의 불안은 더욱 가중해 온다.
본능적으로 그녀는 성모의 위로을 추구한다. 파우스트의 아이를 가진 그녀,
그녀 자신 "mother of sorrow"인 셈이다.
성모 상 앞에 꽃을 놓으며 그녀 자신의 슬픔을 고하며 기도한다.
2. recmusic.com은 Hugo Wolf를 포함, 이 text에 곡을 쓴 다른 14명의
작곡가 이름을 열거하고 있다. Faust 1부, 그레첸의 기도 scene이 그만큼
많은 사랑을 받았다는 증거 일게다.