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[스크랩] Barbara Bonney / Fairest Isle, 16th & 17th century songs

P a o l o 2011. 4. 22. 10:15







Barbara Bonney / Fairest Isle, 16th & 17th century songs

track list....

1. John Dowland : First Booke of Songes, 1597 - 17. Come again

2. John Dowland : First Booke of Songes, 1597 - 4. If my complaints

3. John Dowland : First Booke of Songes, 1597 - 21. Away with these...

4. John Dowland : Second Booke of Songes, 1600 - 2. Flow my tears

5. Thomas Campion : Never Weather Beaten Sail

6. Thomas Campion : The cypress curtain of the night

7. Thomas Campion : It was a lover and his lasse

8. William Byrd : O Lord, how vain are all our frail delights

9. John Jenkins : Fantasy No.9

10. Byrd : Though Amaryllis Dance in Green

11. Henry Purcell : If music be the food of love (First setting: 1692)

12. Henry Purcell : Abdelazer - Air The Academy of Ancient Music

13. Henry Purcell : Abdelazer - Air The Academy of Ancient Music

14. Henry Purcell : The Fairy Queen / Part 3: The Sweet Passion

15. Henry Purcell : King Arthur, or The British Worthy (1691) / Fairest Isle

16. Henry Purcell : She loves and she confesses too

17. Henry Purcell : Dido and Aeneas / "Thy hand, Belinda..."











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