Josephine Lang (1815 - 1880)
Josephine Lang -
Clara Schumann, Fanny Mendelssohn, Amy Beach 등과 더불어
"Women Composer"의 반열(?)에서는 빼놓을 수 없는 이름의
독일 작곡가이다.
음악가 부모 덕에 일찌기 피아노를 배웠고 5살 꼬맹이 때 부터
작곡가로써의 기질을 보였다. Felix Mendelssohn 과 Ferdinand
Hiller에게서 작곡을 배웠고 그들의 후원도 받았다.
Robert Schumann도 Lang의 능력을 인정, 그녀의 가곡을 그의
1838년 가곡집에 실었다한다.
질병의 치료를 위해 Alps 휴양 중 변호사/시인 Christian Reinhold
Köstlin을 만나고 첫눈에 사랑에 빠져 결혼, 네 아들과 두 딸을 두었다.
Lang이 남긴 150이 넘는 작품의 대부분은 가곡이고 그녀의 남편의
시에 붙인 곡들이 많다. 몇년을 중병으로 앓다가 1880년 겨울,
심장 마비로 생을 마감한다.
1. Scheideblick, Op.10-5
Music: Josephine Lang (1840)
Text: Nikolaus Lenau
Als ein unergründlich Wonnemeer
Strahlte mir dein seelenvoller Blick!
Scheiden musst' ich ohne Wiederkehr,
Und ich habe scheidend all' mein Glück
Still versenkt in dieses tiefe Meer!
Parting glance
Like an unfathomable ocean of joy
Your soulful gaze shone for me!
I had to take leave, knowing I would never return,
And as I departed, I quietly sank
All my happiness into this deep ocean.
Scheideblick 이별의 눈길
2. Das Paradies, Op.25-6
Music: Josephine Lang
Text: Friedrich Rückert
Im Paradiese muss ein Fluss
Der ew'gen Liebe rinnen!
Und jede Sehnsuchtsträne muss
Sein eine Perle drinnen.
Im Paradiese muss ein Hauch
Der Schmerzenstillung wehen!
Und jedes Leid, und deines auch,
Muss aufgelöst vergehen!
Da steht des Friedens kühler Baum,
Gepflanzt auf grünen Räumen,
Und drunter muss ein stiller Traum
Von Ruh' und Glück sich träumen.
The Paradise
In paradise there must flow
A river of eternal love!
And every tear of longing
Must be a pearl within it.
In paradise there must blow
A zephyr that stills pain!
And every sorrow, and yours too,
Must dissolve and disappear in it!
There stands the cool tree of peace
Planted in green spaces,
And under (that tree) it must be possible to dream
A quiet dream of peace and happiness.
Das Paradies 낙원
3. Am Bache, Op. 20
Music: Josephine Lang (1850)
Text: Christian Reinhold Köstlin
Am Bache sitz' ich lange Zeit
Und lausche,
Ob er vor lauter Seligkeit
So rausche.
Er wei?wohl was ein liebend Herz
Mag sinnen,
Wie eigen Lust sich eint mit Schmerz
Das singt er nun im Morgenwind
So helle.
Vom Ku?der Sonne trunken rinnt
Die Welle.
Im sü?n Schauer küssen sich
Die Bäume,
Ich seh's mein Kind, und denk' an dich
Und träume.
By the brook
By the brook, I sit a long time
And listen,
Whether it is pure joy that makes it
Murmur so.
It knows well what a loving heart
How strangely pleasure and pain are joined
Within it!
It sings of these things in the morning breeze
So brightly.
Drunk from the kiss of the sun flows
The wave.
Sweetly trembling, kissing each other are
The trees.
I see this, my child, and think of you,
And dream.
Am Bache 시냇가에서
4. Seit die Liebste war entfernt, Op. 38-4
Music: Josephine Lang (1851)
Text: Heinrich Heine
Seit die Liebste mir entfernt,
Hab' ich's Lachen ganz verlernt.
Schlechten Witz trieb mancher Wicht,
Aber lachen konnt' ich nicht.
Seit ich sie verloren hab,
Schafft' ich auch das Weinen ab;
Oft vor Weh das Herz mir bricht,
Aber weinen kann ich nicht.
Since my beloved went away
Since my beloved went away,
I had completely forgotten how to laugh.
Many a scoundrel made a bad joke,
But I could not laugh.
Since I have lost her,
I have also given up weeping;
My heart is almost breaking with pain,
But I cannot weep.
Seit die Liebste war entfernt 사랑하는 이가 떠난 후
1. Scheideblick 이별의 눈길
2. Das Paradies 낙원
3. Am Bache 시냇가에서
4. Seit die Liebste war entfernt 사랑하는 이가 떠난 후
2/25/11 musicgarden
출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
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