
[스크랩] 프란시스코 두란테: 현악 협주곡 5번 가장조 - Nicholas Kraemer, cond | 音香 클래식

P a o l o 2010. 4. 20. 11:11

Concerto No.5 for String Orchestra in A major

두란테: 현악 협주곡 5번 가장조

Francesco Durante (1684-1755)

전악장 연주


Elizabeth Wallfisch (violin)
The Raglan Baroque Players
Nicholas Kraemer (conductor)

Recording details: September 2000
St Jude-on-the-Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, United Kingdom

Audio CD (December 11, 2001)
Label: Hyperion UK



Durante Concerto No.5 for String Orchestra in A major

1: Presto

2: Largo

3: Allegro










'A delightful aural dessert cart … will offer much pleasure, even on repeated hearings, and the legendary Hyperion sound is another plus' (Fanfare, USA)

'A collection of Italian delights … [Durante's] Concerto No 8, La Pazzia, sounds like Vivaldi gone bananas' (The Times)

'The Raglan Baroque Players aren't the starriest of groups but on the evidence of this disc they ought to be' (The Times)



During the first half of the eighteenth century Naples, like Venice, was celebrated for its opera. Neapolitan operas, serious and in a lighter vein, were generously catered for in respect of orchestral colour, vocal virtuosity and expressive variety, and these qualities are present in the instrumental music of the period. Here is a programme of music by three of the composers who flourished in the city during that time. Few composers other than Schubert have acquired posthumous celebrity status in as short a space of time as Pergolesi, who died at the age of twenty-six. Among the genuine products of his pen (there are many spurious 'attribs') we should probably count the violin concerto in B flat as one of his most impressive instrumental works. Durante reveals an expressive individuality, sometimes marked and sometimes quirky. Leonardo Leo was active chiefly in the sphere of opera and sacred music, but also turned his hand to instrumental compositions among which are several concertos including this lively Concerto in D for four obligato violins and continuo.


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