
[스크랩] Variations on a Neapolitan songs and Flight of the Bumblebee.

P a o l o 2017. 10. 14. 19:43

Variations on a Neapolitan songs and Flight of the Bumblebee.  




    Ole Edvard Antonsen

    (born April 25, 1962) is a Norwegian trumpeter, musician and conductor.

    Antonsen was born in Vang, Hedmark, now part of Hamar. He is best known as a solo trumpeter, active in different genres of music; classical music, chamber music, baroque, jazz and pop. Since the mid 2000s, he has also been active as a conductor, foremost with The Norwegian Air Force Band.


    2008년에 일본에서 있었던 공연의 후반부입니다.

    한국에도 와서 서울시향과 함께 하이든과 졸리베를 협연한 적이 있었지요. 

    정말 음정과 아티큘레이션이 환상 그 자체입니다.

    ]북유럽사람들은 전세계적으로 보더라도 트럼펫 강국 중의 강국입니다.

    잘 감상하시 기 바랍니다.



    출처 : 아트힐
    글쓴이 : 아목동아 원글보기
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