
[스크랩] [Elgar] In moonlight

P a o l o 2013. 3. 26. 09:02
      An Ariette for Music. To a Lady singing to her Accompaniment on the Guitar. Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley As the moon's soft splendor O'er the faint, cold starlight of heaven Is thrown, So thy voice most tender To the strings without soul has given Its own. The stars will awaken, Though the moon sleep a full hour later Tonight: No leaf will be shaken Whilst the dews of thy melody scatter Delight. Though the sound overpowers, Sing again, with thy sweet voice revealing A tone Of some world far from ours, Where music and moonlight and feeling Are one. In moonlight (Canto Popolare) - Christine Rice Elgar의 Concert overture, "In the South (Alassio)" 중 (fashioned after) Canto popolare / Lydia Mordkovitch, violin 이 노래의 motive는 Edward Elgar의 concert overture, "In the South (Alassio)" 전체를 통하여 들려지는데 특히 solo viola의 연주로 overture 중 "Canto Popolare" (popular song)의 부제로 재 사용된다. 아래는 같은 시에 쓴 Amy Beach의 곡이다. Amy Beach / Ariette, Op. 1, No. 4 / Catherine Bringerud 3/25/13 musicgarden
출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
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