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[스크랩] A Rose Unpetalled

P a o l o 2011. 8. 23. 14:53

      Saint Therese - Catholic 이라면 모르는 사람이 없을 만큼 친숙한 이름이다. 16살의 나이에 스스로를 헌신하기로 작정, 수녀원에 들었고 자신을 예수의 발자국에 뿌려지는 장미의 꽃잎으로 비교하던 그녀는 나이 24살, 한송이의 작은 장미 처럼 세상을 떠났다. Frank Patterson의 "A rose unpetalled" 는 St. Terese의 "Strewing Flowers"에 곡을 붙인 노래이다. "A Rose Unpetalled", on a poem by St. Therese of Lisieux Frank Patterson 시의 전문을 아래에 올린다. St. Therese (1873 - 1897) Strewing Flowers, a poem by St. Therese Jesus, my only Love, how I love to strew Flowers Each evening at the foot of your Crucifix!... In unpetalling the springtime rose for you, I would like to dry your tears... Strewing Flowers is offering you as first fruits My slightest sighs, my greatest sufferings. My sorrows and my joys, my little sacrifices, Those are my flowers!... Lord, my soul is in love with your beauty. I want to squander my perfumes and my flowers on you. In strewing them on the wings of the breeze, I would like to inflame hearts!... Strewing flowers, Jesus, is my weapon When I want to fight for sinners. The victory is mine... I always disarm you With my flowers!... The flower petals, caressing your Face, Tell you that my heart is yours forever. You understand the language of my unpetalled rose, And you smile at my love. Strewing Flowers, repeating your praise, That is my only delight in this valley of tears. Soon I shall go to Heaven with the little angels To strew Flowers!... 8/15/11 musicgarden
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