Christmas song

[스크랩] A Festive Baroque Christmas │화려한 성탄 축제

P a o l o 2009. 11. 25. 10:06

A Festive Baroque Christmas

화려한 성탄 축제 (Harmonia Mundi 2001)

The Academy of Ancient Music (트랙 전곡연주)

No.1 - Tröstet, tröstet mein Volk, SWV 382


The Choir and Orchestra of The Academy of Ancient Music

Performed by Academy of Ancient Music (UK), Heinrich Schutz, Giovanni Gabrieli, Matthias Weckmann, Francesco Usper, Paul Goodwin
Conducted by Paul Goodwin

Harmonia Mundi 2001



   1. Schutz - Tröstet, tröstet mein Volk, SWV 382 (Comfort ye, my people) 3:48
   2. Schutz - Sei gegrüsset, Maria, SWV 333 (Hail, Mary, full of grace) 4:15
   3. Giovanni Garieli - Canzon XI (instrumental) 2:59
   4. Schutz - Magnificat anima mea Dominum, SWV 468 (My soul doth magnify the Lord) 9:36
   5. Schutz - Joseph, du Sohn David, SWV 323 (Joseph, thou son of David) 3:34
   6. Schutz - Der Engel sprach zu den Hirten, SWV 395 (The angel spoke to the shepherds) 2:38
   7. Schutz - Hodie Christus natus est, SWV 315 (On this day Christ was born) 3:43
   8. Matthias Weckmann - Sonata à 4 (instrumental) 4:07
   9. Schutz - O Jesu, nomen dulce, SWV 308 (O Jesus, name so sweet) 3:54
  10. Schutz - Ein Kind ist uns geboren, SWV 384 (For unto us a child is born) 3:30
  11. Giovanni Gabrieli - Canzon X (instrumental) 4:16
  12. Schutz - Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, SWV 327 (To God alone the song we raise) 4:17
  13. Schutz - Das Wort ward Fleisch, SWV 385 (And the Word was made flesh) 3:23
  14. Francesco Usper - Sonata à 8 (instrumental) 4:39
  15. Schutz - Alleluja, lobet den Herren, SWV 38 (Alleluia, praise God [Psalm 150]): Alleluia, praise God (Psalm 150) 8:29



1. Tröstet, tröstet mein Volk, motet for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass & continuo, SWV 382 (Op. 11/14)
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz

2. Sei gegrüsset, Maria, for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, 5 instruments & continuo, SWV 333 (Op. 9/28) (same as Ave Maria, SWV 334)
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz

3. Canzon No. 11, for 8 parts
  Composed by Giovanni Gabrieli

4. Magnificat anima mea, for soloists, 2 violins, 3 trombones, chorus ad lib & continuo, SWV 468
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz

5. Joseph, du Sohn David, for 2 sopranos, bass & continuo, SWV 323 (Op. 9/18)
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz

6. Der Engel sprach zu den Hirten, motet for soprano, tenor, instrument or bass & continuo (after A. Gabrieli), SWV 395 (Op. 11/27)
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz

7. Hodie Christus natus est, for soprano, tenor & continuo, SWV 315 (Op. 9/10)
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz



8. Sonata à 4 for cornettino, violin, trombone, bassoon & continuo
  Composed by Matthias Weckmann

9. O Jesu, nomen dulce, for tenor & continuo, SWV 308 (Op. 9/3)
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz

10. Ein Kind ist uns geboren, motet for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass & continuo, SWV 384 (Op. 11/16)
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz

11. Canzon No. 10, for 8 parts
  Composed by Giovanni Gabrieli

12. Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr, for 2 sopranos, 2 tenors & continuo, SWV 327 (Op. 9/22)
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz

13. Das Wort ward Fleisch und wohnet unter uns, motet for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass & continuo, SWV 385 (Op. 11/17)
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz

14. Sonata à 8
  Composed by Francesco Usper

15. Alleluja! lobet den Herren (Psalm 150), for double chorus & continuo, SWV 38 (Op. 2/17)
  Composed by Heinrich Schutz


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