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[스크랩] [Quilter] Weep you no more, sad fountains - Thomas Allen

P a o l o 2006. 10. 30. 16:41

      Weep you no more, sad fountains, Op.12 No.1 from Seven Elizabethan Lyrics, No.1 Music: Roger Quilter Text: Unknown Weep you no more, sad fountains; What need you flow so fast? Look how the snowy mountains Heaven's sun doth gently waste! But my sun's heavenly eyes View not your weeping, That now lies sleeping, Softly now, softly lies Sleeping. Sleep is a reconciling, A rest that peace begets; Doth not the sun rise smiling When fair at even he sets? Rest you, then, rest, sad eyes! Melt not in weeping, While she lies sleeping, Softly now, softly lies Sleeping. English Baritone, Sir Thomas Allen (1944 - ) 영국 The Royal College of Music (64학번) 졸업 후 Welsh National Opera 입단 1971년 Covent Garden 데뷰 1981년 Met 데뷰 (as Papageno) 1999년 knighted Weep you no more, sad fountains [Quilter] bonus track An Emma, D.113 [Schubert]
출처 : 아트힐
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